Kris Lindsey.  Write Now. 

Current Situation: Black girl grown-ass woman joy

First came these words “I love your work and would like to publish this piece in The Audacity” and “Sincerely, Roxane Gay.”

And now the day has arrived and my essay Spy Baby meets the world.  Featuring the CIA, a deposed president, a bunch of professional liars, and me. Read it, like it, share it. Thanks!

10 other things about me:

  1. I am a Black woman, raised in Chicago. I grew up knowing race and politics are full contact sports. Also that real fried chicken (wings, 6 piece) comes soaked in mild sauce under a white bread blanket. Best when ordered through bulletproof plexiglass.

  2. I’m a nonfiction writer, essayist, and occasional poet.

  3. My debut essay “Ghosted” was published in Cutleaf Journal. Other essays have been accepted for publication later in 2023.  In 2021, my work was included in 100 Words of Solitude, a poetry collection published by Rare Swan Press.

  4. I am working on a book project that looks across 18 generations of Black survival and resistance in America. Their revolutionary rage, love, and defiance stuns me every single day. 

  5. I’ve got another collection of essays underway exploring my identities, aliases, and assorted places of residence.  I have lived in some random places, and I’m related to an unwieldy assortment of people and historical events.

  6. I am proud to claim emerging writer status though I was born in the 60’s. Turns out, I had other business to attend.

  7. For thirty years, I worked in philanthropy, politics, and higher education to equalize resources and knowledge where I could. I think I did some good.  Over time, I had less humor to bring to navigating power, privilege disguised as process, and bullshit. There’s less downside to my lack of poker face when I write.

  8. I am usually hungry, always curious, and alarmingly caffeinated.

  9. I studied international relations, political science, history, and humanities. There’s an MA, (also an MF), but no MFA.

  10. I would love to hear from you and show you what I’m up to. kriswritenow at gmail dot com or follow the socials up top. Thanks for reading.